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Conference 1

Marija Prosheva, Angela Toteska, Jadranka Blazevska Gilev, Synthesis of Lignin-Based Polymer Coatings by Miniemulsion Polymerization, 26th Congress of the Society of Chemists and Technologists of Macedonia 20-23 September, Ohrid, Macedonia – poster presentation.

Conference 2

Marija Prosheva, Angela Toteska, Jadranka Blazevska Gilev, UV Protective Polymer Coatings Based on Lignin Filler, 26th Congress of the Society of Chemists and Technologists of Macedonia 20-23 September, Ohrid, Macedonia – poster presentation.

Diploma Thesis 1

Ангела Тотеска, In-situ Синтеза на полимерни композити базирани на лигнин и нивната стабилност кон при фото-оксидативна деградација, 06.10.2023, Скопје. ментор: ЈБГилев.
